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Generator Control Systems

Across SE Asia and Australasia Woodward Singapore has been the benchmark service provider in distributed power generation systems for high quality synchronisers, load sharing controls and generator controllers. Modern integrated engine-generator control systems based on the Woodward product line provide full control and protection capability for a multitude of generator applications – from isolated emergency standby sets to parallel operation of multiple generators in complex distribution systems.

Woodward Singapore has provided sytems across the region capable of:
  • Automatic synchronising, dead bus closing, breaker control and load sharing.
  • Load management including, base loading, import/export control and peak shaving.
  • Load dependent start and stop functionality – assisting maximum fuel efficiency.
  • Woodward power generation controllers have classification society approval and are suitable for land-based and marine aplications.

Woodward Singapore  has worked with many consultants and EPC’s to design state of the art Power Generation control systems for use in some of the most prestigious installations across our territory. We also commission, service and train for those applications throughout their service life.

Generator Control Systems